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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 wheel n often plural (circular part on which vehicle moves)SCSimplified Chinese 车轮 chē lún TCTraditional Chinese 車輪  The wheels on the bus went round and round.  公交车的车轮不停地转动。 wheel n (for steering a vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 方向盘 fāng xiàng pán TCTraditional Chinese 方向盤  Karen indicated left and turned the wheel to steer the car into the narrow lane.  凯伦要走左侧,便转动方向盘将车驶入了窄道。 wheel n (steers a ship) (船上的)SCSimplified Chinese 舵轮 duò lún  The captain took the wheel.  船长负责掌舵。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 wheel n (round object, turns)SCSimplified Chinese 轮盘 lún pán   SCSimplified Chinese 滚轮 lún pán,gǔn lún TCTraditional Chinese 滾輪   SCSimplified Chinese 轮子 lún pán,lún zi TCTraditional Chinese 輪子  The wheel beside the mill was turning. Use the mouse wheel to scroll down.  磨坊旁的水车正在转动。  用鼠标滚轮向下滚动。 wheel n (cylinder: of cheese) (奶酪)SCSimplified Chinese 一轮,一盘 yì lún 备注: 指扁圆柱形的奶酪 The shopkeeper cut the wheel of Edam into wedges.  店主将一盘球形干酪切成楔形。 wheels npl slang (car, transportation)SCSimplified Chinese 车辆 chē liàng TCTraditional Chinese 車輛   SCSimplified Chinese 交通工具 chē liàng,jiāo tōng gōng jù  The teenager couldn't wait to get her own wheels. wheel⇒ vi (turn on axis)SCSimplified Chinese 旋转 xuán zhuǎn TCTraditional Chinese 旋轉   SCSimplified Chinese 转动 xuán zhuǎn ,zhuàn dòng TCTraditional Chinese 轉動  The Earth wheels about its axis.  地球绕地轴旋转。 wheel vi (turn around)SCSimplified Chinese 掉转方向,掉头 diào zhuǎn fāng xiàng,diào tóu   SCSimplified Chinese 转身 zhuǎn shēn TCTraditional Chinese 轉身  The teacher wheeled on her heel and glared at the chattering students. wheel [sth]⇒ vtr (push [sth] on wheels)SCSimplified Chinese 推动 tuī dòng TCTraditional Chinese 推動   SCSimplified Chinese 滚动 tuī dòng,gǔn dòng TCTraditional Chinese 滾動  Steve wheeled the pushchair along the pavement.  史蒂夫推着婴儿车沿着人行道走着。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 wheel around vi phrasal (turn, spin 180 degrees)SCSimplified Chinese 快速转身 wheel [sb/sth] out, wheel out [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (use to support argument)SCSimplified Chinese 用…来论证 wheel [sb/sth] out, wheel out [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (present repeatedly)SCSimplified Chinese 反复使用   SCSimplified Chinese 故技重施   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 asleep at the wheel, also US: asleep at the switch adj informal, figurative (not paying attention)SCSimplified Chinese 心不在焉 xīn bú zài yān   SCSimplified Chinese 走神了  I'm sorry; I should have understood what you wanted. I was asleep at the wheel.  对不起,我本该明白你想要什么,我当时走神了。 at the wheel expr (driving)SCSimplified Chinese 开车 kāi chē TCTraditional Chinese 開車   SCSimplified Chinese 在驾驶 kāi chē ,zài jià shǐ  Ernest was at the wheel when a pine tree fell across the road. at the wheel expr figurative (in charge)SCSimplified Chinese 掌控大局,领导 lǐng dǎo TCTraditional Chinese 領導 behind the wheel expr (driving, in control of a vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 驾驶 jià shǐ TCTraditional Chinese 駕駛   SCSimplified Chinese 掌控,主管 zhǎng kòng,zhǔ guǎn TCTraditional Chinese 主管 big wheel n UK (fairground Ferris wheel)SCSimplified Chinese 摩天轮 mó tiān lún TCTraditional Chinese 摩天輪 big wheel n US, informal ([sb] important or powerful)SCSimplified Chinese 大人物,大亨 dà rén wù,dà hēng   (书面语)SCSimplified Chinese 要人,要员 yào rén TCTraditional Chinese 要人 cog in the wheel, cog in the machine n figurative (small part of a large system)SCSimplified Chinese 小人物 xiǎo rén wù   SCSimplified Chinese 小职员  He's just a cog in the wheel, not a leader. color wheel (US), colour wheel (UK) n (chart showing color relationships)SCSimplified Chinese 色轮 driving wheel n (main wheel in machine)SCSimplified Chinese 传动轮 driving wheel n (railroad: driver)SCSimplified Chinese 驱动轮 Ferris wheel n (wheel at a fairground)SCSimplified Chinese 摩天轮 mó tiān lún TCTraditional Chinese 摩天輪  The London Eye is one of the world's tallest Ferris wheels. You have a terrific view from the top of a Ferris wheel.  伦敦眼是全世界最高的摩天轮之一。你会在摩天轮的顶部有个极佳的视野。 fifth wheel n (transport: axle device) (车辆)SCSimplified Chinese 五轮仪 fifth wheel, fifth wheel trailer n (towable recreational vehicle) (车辆)SCSimplified Chinese 牵引鞍座 fifth wheel n (transport: spare wheel) (车辆)SCSimplified Chinese 备用轮 fifth wheel n figurative, informal (unnecessary person or thing)SCSimplified Chinese 多余的人   SCSimplified Chinese 冗员 flywheel n (rotating wheel in a machine)SCSimplified Chinese 飞轮 fēi lún TCTraditional Chinese 飛輪  Flywheels are used in some machines to regulate the speed of operation or store kinetic energy. four-wheel n as adj (having four wheels)SCSimplified Chinese 四轮的 four-wheel n as adj (powered by four wheels)SCSimplified Chinese 四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de four-wheel drive n (vehicle: SUV) (车辆)SCSimplified Chinese 四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de  Drivers in rural areas need a four-wheel drive to cope with winter conditions. four-wheel drive n as adj (vehicle: of SUV type)SCSimplified Chinese 四驱的 front-wheel drive n (car: power to front wheels only) (汽车)SCSimplified Chinese 前轮驱动 qián lún qū dòng TCTraditional Chinese 前輪驅動  Her new car's got front-wheel drive; it's a lot better on slippery roads than her old one was. grinding wheel (wheel used for grinding)SCSimplified Chinese 磨轮   SCSimplified Chinese 砂轮 shā lún TCTraditional Chinese 砂輪 measuring wheel n (device for calculating length)SCSimplified Chinese 测量轮   SCSimplified Chinese 计量轮 mill wheel (for driving mill)SCSimplified Chinese 磨坊水车   SCSimplified Chinese 磨坊水轮 nose wheel n (part of a plane's undercarriage) (飞机起落架上的)SCSimplified Chinese 前轮 qián lún paddle wheel n (wheel that propels a paddle boat)SCSimplified Chinese 桨轮 jiǎng lún pinwheel, Catherine wheel n (firework)SCSimplified Chinese 转轮焰火 zhuǎn lún yàn huǒ TCTraditional Chinese 轉輪焰火  The children were excited by the pinwheels in the fireworks show. potter's wheel n (device: pottery) (制陶)SCSimplified Chinese 陶轮 rotifer, wheel animalcule n (tiny aquatic animal)SCSimplified Chinese 轮虫 roulette wheel n (spinning part of roulette table)SCSimplified Chinese 轮盘赌 lún pán dǔ TCTraditional Chinese 輪盤賭   SCSimplified Chinese 赌盘 ship's wheel n (helm: steering wheel of a sailing vessel)SCSimplified Chinese 舵柄,舵轮 duò bǐng,duò lún spinning wheel n (device for spinning fibre into yarn)SCSimplified Chinese 手摇式纺车 shǒu yáo shì fǎng chē  As a child I had a spinning wheel to make yarn from wool. steering wheel n (control wheel of a vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 方向盘 fāng xiàng pán TCTraditional Chinese 方向盤   SCSimplified Chinese 驾驶盘 fāng xiàng pán,jià shǐ pán  A driver should not need to take their hands off the steering wheel to turn on the indicator.  司机不该把手从方向盘上拿开去打指示灯。 take the wheel v expr (drive a vehicle) (车、船等)SCSimplified Chinese 驾驶 jià shǐ TCTraditional Chinese 駕駛 third wheel n (odd person out among three people) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 电灯泡,累赘 diàn dēng pào ,léi zhuì TCTraditional Chinese 電燈泡 waterwheel, water wheel n (wheel powered by water)SCSimplified Chinese (水力驱动的)水车 shuǐ lì qū dòng de shuǐ chē   SCSimplified Chinese 水轮 shuǐ lì qū dòng de shuǐ chē,shuǐ lún  In early cotton mills a waterwheel was often used to generate electricity. wheel and axle (simple machine)SCSimplified Chinese 轮轴 lún zhóu TCTraditional Chinese 輪軸 wheel and deal v expr (engage in business schemes)SCSimplified Chinese 投机钻营 wheel [sth] out, wheel out [sth] vtr + adv (bring into view)SCSimplified Chinese 将…推出 worm gear, worm wheel n (gear driven by worm)SCSimplified Chinese 涡轮   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: wheel [wiːl] I n [c] 1 轮(輪) lún [个 gè] 2 (also: steering wheel) 方向盘(盤) fāngxiàngpán [个 gè] 3 (on ship) 舵轮(輪) duòlún II vt 推 tuī III vi ▶ to wheel around 猛地转(轉)过(過)身 měng de zhuǎnguò shēn at the wheel 正在开(開)车(車) zhèngzài kāichē 在这些条目还发现'wheel': 在英文解释里: analogous - axle - balance - bald tire - big wheel - bogie - capstan - cartwheel - caster - castor - cogwheel - complement - driving wheel - felloe - fender - Ferris wheel - fifth wheel - flat tire - flywheel - four-by-four - gearwheel - grinding wheel - grindstone - helm - hub - linchpin - London Eye - millrace - millstream - millwheel - nave - noria - paddle - paddle wheel - pawl - penstock - pulley - rim - roll over - roller - rowel - sheave - ship's wheel - spare tire - spline - spoke - sponson - steering wheel - strake - tailrace 中文: 车轮 - 轮 - 轮子 - 叶轮 - 摩天轮 - 棘轮 - 滚轮 - 砂轮 - 轮辐 - 链轮 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Round objects, Words with a silent "h", 更多……同义词: hoop, disk, ring, circle, rotation, 更多……习惯性搭配: wheel [alignment, covers], [a four, an all, a front, a rear] -wheel drive vehicle, the [car, bike, bicycle, motorcycle, van, truck] wheels, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'wheel' 的论坛讨论:

There is a "Wheel of Time" TV series now based on the novels, but it did not get very good reviews. 4-wheel and 4-wheeled - English Only forum A computer/computer a wheel/wheel - English Only forum A third wheel - English Only forum a wheel for them to run on - English Only forum A/the third/fifth wheel - English Only forum absent at the wheel, - English Only forum air wheel - English Only forum almost like one throwing the half of a boy’s cart-wheel - English Only forum as the leaf gets stuck on the front wheel - English Only forum As the wheel rotates, it triggers a hammer - English Only forum Automotive: FWD = four wheel drive? - English Only forum Basket (Ferris wheel) - English Only forum be at the wheel - English Only forum Behind the wheel - English Only forum Behind the wheel? - English Only forum Benders wheel, grinders carry [hockey] - English Only forum big fish/gun/noise/shot/wheel - English Only forum big gun/big wheel - English Only forum Butterflies on a wheel - English Only forum butterfly on a wheel - English Only forum Can't get more dependable than a wheel gun. - English Only forum Catherine wheel - English Only forum Catherine wheel - English Only forum chariot wheel or chariot's wheel - English Only forum color wheel [colour wheel] - English Only forum comma splice or clause coordination: Prater was disappointing, its Ferris wheel .... - English Only forum comma with 'which' [meaning?, relative adverb]: wheel, which broke in - English Only forum displeasure creeping up through the steering wheel - English Only forum Don’t oil the squeaky wheel - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'wheel'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "wheel" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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